Sunday, January 31

miss claire bane
serigraph on paper
8" x 10"

so its neat though, i got the meet the other half of my roommates today. i also was trying to look for some garages sales, because i'm in desperate need of lamps. i can't stand overhead lighting, ugh. what a joke.

its so imposing, but its dark out and i'd like to see. i do like the overhead lighting in my parents kitchen. but i failed at that. my sentences suck tonight.
oil on canvas
(in tranist)


Saturday, January 30

were gonna ride
aquatint and etching on paper

wow, andre dropped 52.

wow, i'm snowed in. i went out into the snow today, so i guess i wasn't that snowed in. i took my camera and tripod, so hopefully i'll get some good photos once they're developed. definitely had to drink my way to this post tonight. it's interesting the way the snow is down here. on the west coast we'd get heavy, wet snow, because most of the precipitation would come off the ocean. here, the snow is light and fluffy. there was a layer of freezing rain on top of the snow as well, which made things all that more enjoyable.

i should have shot last night when there was some could cover, because the clouds trapped the light pollution and reflected it off the snow. it's so interesting the beauties between the natural and the man-made. i don't think either has a priority, because each is it's own phenomenon. a friend of mine once told me that she could never live in a city, because she wouldn't be able to see the stars at night. i think, though, that if you never live in a city, you'll never see the concrete jungle or the wonders that are the city skyline. nature is beautiful, but so are people. anyways, the cloud cover disappeared and now the snow has no glow to it like before.

another!, after i take a shower.

Friday, January 29

nine londons
silkscreen on paper
18" x 12"

i was just watching the winter x games in aspen and saw some sick moves thrown down. it really makes me want to spend a winter or two just snowboarding. i don't think there is much better than being up there on a mountain. its not the moves that i'd like to do, but instead that beauty and serenity that comes with the terrain.

there are some trees in my backyard that i can't wait to come into bloom. beautiful trees. the snow here is something else. everythings going to be a mess tomorrow.

missing the eug. missing the nw.

its interesting writing on a blog. i think writing on the internet is like painting. your not sure who's reading or if people are even reading, but you can't be afraid to write. its the same idea of preciousness that comes with painting. whatever is there can be redone in order to achieve something new. i can't wait to start printing again and i need to start sketching again, i need to do something.

my scanners coming soon, be ready for some pictures of nashville... hopefully =)
blow that stank away
etching and slikscreen
8" x 10"

well, believe it or not, but its snowing in nashville today. i had to trek out into downtown to turn in some applications. its a slow time of year for business, but i did put in applications for the melting pot and the old spaghetti factory. i don't think the snows going to let up till tomorrow, which by that time, the roads might be in really bad shape.

i tried my experiment with counter-strike (video game) today, and failed horribly. i thought that since my computer has a touch screen, that i'd be able to pretty much point and shoot my way to victory. not the case. the screen is quite sensitive and shooting is quite difficult.

my mom sent me my glasses today and my stove top latte maker, that way i won't have to go drown my money at coffee joints. oh, i went and got a haircut the other day. my hair doesn't need a whole lot of work, pretty much a buzz and trim. anyways, i went to this barber who gave met he best buzz and trim i'd ever had. it was probably the longest. even though it looks good, i still think my chop cut i did a few months back is the best my hairs ever looked.

ugh, snow. i thought by coming to the south i'd get some early warm weather.

Thursday, January 28

oil on canvas
48" x 12"

went out job hunting this evening. went to dtown nashville, but it seems to that not very many places are hiring till springtime. over qualified and under payed, thats what it seems like it'll be for me. its unbelievable, but people can still smoke inside bars that are 21+.

bad yellow
oil on canvas
2' x 1'

i figured i might as well upload a piece of work for each day, ya know, just to have some structure.

Nashville, TN

hey there everyone. i've been in nashville for four to five days now, still without a job. i do have a roof over my head though. pictures from nashville are coming soon, its just that, i need a scanner (which is in the mail) to convert film to digital. portfolio art is going to be uploaded soon as well. hopefully...

look me up

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